Saturday, July 18, 2009

Introduction to information security, 13 July 2009

Our first lecture of IT security start with our lecturer, En.Mohd Zaki introduced himself. Before start lecture, he gave us a quiz which is in puzzle form. This form of quiz is quite interesting compare to normal quiz question. All answer of quiz is related to internet security which will be cover in following lecture with the purpose of testing our general internet security knowledge. In this lecture, I understand about during growing technology era today, information security is highly demand by government and private industry to protect information, hardware and system that are used to store and transmit information from hackers.

Security involves three important areas which are detection, prevention and recovery. Detection can be done by using scanner while prevention can be done by using proxy or firewall. Recovery can be done by using cryptography techniques or proper planning. Security has three important principles which are confidentiality that ensuring information is accessible only to those authorized to have access, integrity which prevent modification of information by unauthorized user and availability which allow information available for use by its intended users.

Besides that, I clearly understand the difference between passive attack and active attack in this lecture after En. Mohd Zaki patiently explains to us. Passive attack occurs when opponent obtain the information that is being transmitted without modification. Example of passive attack is release of message contents and traffic analysis. Passive attack is very difficult to detect because they do not involve any alteration of data. However, it can be prevent by using encryption technique. Thus, prevention is better than detection in dealing with passive attack.

Active attacks involved unauthorized modification of data stream or creation of a false stream. Active attack is divided into four categories which are masquerade, replay, and modification of messages and denial of services. Denial of services has been explained by En.Mohd Zaki more detail by using an example of a hacker disturb services provided by server by sending a lot of spam email to the server causes the server down so that opponent server get advantage from that. Active attacks are quite difficult to prevent because of wide variety of potential physical, software and network vulnerabilities. Thus, detect active attack and then recover from harm is better than prevention.

Furthermore, we have been informed that a treat against system vulnerability can be deal with by prevent it, deter it, deflect it, detect it and recover. Besides that, methods of defense that normally used are encryption, software control such as internal program control and operating system control, hardware control by using smart card, firewalls and intrusion detection system such as SNORT, policies control such as frequent changes of password and lastly are physical control. Important security services include authentication, access control, data confidentiality, data integrity and non-repudiation.

En.Mohd Zaki also introduced two classes of security mechanism to us which are Specific Security Mechanisms and Pervasive Security Mechanisms. The difference between two mechanisms is Specific Security Mechanisms are implemented in a specific protocol layer while Pervasive Security Mechanisms does not specific to any particular protocol layer.

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